Friday, November 30, 2007

Fat Quarter Shop has Moda Roman Holiday on sale - 50% off on charm packs and jelly rolls! Somebody go shop vicariously for me, because I am trying to resist. I would put a picture up, but I already did one earlier and I don't have time, anyway, because I about to go to Austin, yay! And please note that I did succeed in posting an entry every day this month. Applause please!!

By the way, I took that Amazon widget with the deal of the day down, because it was annoying me. The one at the bottom for the store is still there, though. Several of you have bought things from the store; I appreciate it, and eventually I will get a gift certificate, thanks to you guys - and I promise to write a review of whatever I get! (If anybody loved the Deal of the Day thing and wants to lobby for its return, I will listen. But I'm not holding my breath for that.)

By the way, this is the kind of day I'm having: I just spilled an entire cup of coffee on the brand new carpet. So I have been sponging coffee out of the carpet for the last 15 minutes. Cross your fingers for me with the traveling!

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