Saturday, July 02, 2005


My mother started quilting in the very late 80s, I think - 1988 or 1989. I remember that her first quilt was an Ohio Star. (I wonder if she still has it.) I watched her with interest but not with any intention of following in her footsteps whatsoever. Through most of the 90s I watched her quilt and heard about the quilt guild she belonged to in my hometown and went to the Houston quilt show with her, and I gradually got much more knowledgable about quilting, but I still didn't have any intention of starting to quilt myself. I have had a lot of hobbies over the years, and mostly they have ended up with unfinished projects and lots of unused supplies, and I figured that quilting would just be another one. But my mother had bought a condo in a new community in the interim, and in 1997 she decided she wanted to join the local quilt guild, and since she didn't know anybody she decided that she wanted me to join with her, and she offered to pay for my membership if I would go. So I did. That still didn't mean I was going to become a quilter, but I enjoyed it a lot, and the next year I paid for my own membership, and eventually I decided that I would make a very simple quilt for community service. And that was where I began.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think my mom's first quilt was an ohio star too! :)