Sunday, September 26, 2004


We went to Painted Pony yesterday, to take my mom's Janome in to be worked on. (It just quit running. No idea why.) Of course I bought a bunch of fabric - and there's a picture of it below. The pale colored batik I had an actual reason to buy, it's for the batik swap we're doing. (I think I already talked about that in the entry about the retreat.) We're on the 3rd month of it. We did cool colors the first month, and warm colors last month. This month is multicolors. I bought a fabric for that already, from my favorite eBay seller. Next month is neutrals and backgrounds, that's what the pale batik is for. I really love that fabric, so I bought a little more than I really have to have so I'll be sure to have some left. Anyway, the rest of it is just stuff I liked. I've used up a lot of background fabric on the leaf quilt, so I was thinking about replenishing those. And I've been working on getting more greens for a while now; I've done several quilts that have really used a lot of greens.

Anyway, it was 3:00 by the time we got back to Mom's, but I still got another 11 blocks made, which isn't bad. (I'm doing them 6 at a time, so it should have been 12, but I messed one up and I didn't have the patience to fix it, I just tossed it out.) I'll post the latest picture. Only 16 blocks to go!

Mom has her 3rd Santa block (see below for the first two), so she worked on cutting out the pieces for that. She has a light table and she was tracing the pieces she needed onto fabric.

(I thought that Blogger had lost this post, but it didn't - which is great because I don't have the energy to rewrite it right now. Whew!)

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