Monday, September 06, 2004

Lists lists lists

Do you know how much stuff you have to take to a quilt retreat? I've been keeping a running list for several years - this is just the stuff I've forgotten over the years, or at least was worried about forgetting:

seam ripper
right color of thread
pins & needles
sewing machine!
towels (you have to bring your own)
breakfast (ditto, at least for Friday morning)
clorox wipes
sewing lamp
camera & memory card

I have a crank radio that doesn't need batteries, useful for listening to baseball games in the middle of nowhere. (I actually bought it for hurricane purposes.) I remember not having the right color of thread one year, although I've gotten where I don't bother to match thread very much for piecing anyway. I might've been quilting that year, though, come to think of it. The wipes are for cleaning the bathroom, I think - that's another thing we have to do at this place. We don't complain very much, though, it's less than $150 for 3 nights including most meals - very cheap, really.

As for projects, I'm primarily working on the leaf blocks, but I was thinking I ought to take something else just in case I get sick of leaves. I haven't decided what that is exactly yet.

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