Tuesday, February 14, 2006


zipper scraps
Originally uploaded by Mellicious.

Preparatory to posting the picture of the zipper top - this is EVERY SINGLE ONE of the leftover 1-1/2x2-1/2" pieces. Obviously, I cut wayyy too many. (If you make one of these, I would recommend that you wait and see how many of the little pieces you need as you go rather than cutting them ahead of time!) Anyway, as I think I mentioned here once before, I sewed these into long strips - as you can see, in any case - and I'm going to incorporate them into the back one way or another. The idea would be to put them between big strips of other fabric, but I haven't actually started working on that part yet.

1 comment:

Anita said...

I had scraps too. I love your quilt and your scraps! Putting them on the back is a nice way to use them up. ;-)