Saturday, October 01, 2005

Playing catch-up

You may have guessed that I haven't gotten much quilting done the last couple of weeks. I could have gotten some stuff done at my aunt's, really, I just didn't. It was too hectic around there. Actually, I did do a couple of small things: I washed a bunch of fabric (which I grabbed on the way out the door to evacuate, for some reason) and I ironed the batiks for the exchange and I cut two sets up out of the three. So that just leaves one to do tomorrow.

Oh, and I have a lovely second-degree burn on my wrist to prove that I did the ironing. I'm really, really glad it's October now, because September? Pretty much royally sucked from beginning to end. I know it could have been worse, because, you know, I'm here and I have a home to come back to and everything, but still, I hope I never, ever have another month like that one again.

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