Thursday, October 13, 2005


Here are my full sets of pictures from past quilt festivals:
IQF 2004
IQF 2003
IQF 2000-2002

They are not terribly well-organized within each set - I was happy just to get them all up and sorted into years!

I've probably said this before, but to repeat: I didn't really get serious about taking pictures until 2002, I think. Before that, I just took random pictures and didn't worry about knowing who took them - it didn't occur to me that I'd ever be putting them where people could look at them! So I have added whose they are when I know, but for a lot of them I don't. There are a few of the newer ones that are missing names, too. So if you know who made one of the unattributed ones, please comment either here or on Flickr and let me know!

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