Thursday, February 07, 2008

Water Quilt: Reflections

Water Quilt: Reflections

I put up a picture of this quilt before, but that was 18 months ago and I know everybody doesn't look at archives. And it fits with my water theme that I've been doing lately - so what the heck, we'll repeat. Besides, it's a great quilt.

Quilt above made by Cyndy Martin. Shown at Lakeview Quilters Guild's 2006 Mayfest quilt show.

Also, would you believe a hand-pieced Dear Jane? (That link from churlish over at Livejournal.)

I put the next few quilt shows from the list I posted earlier over in the sidebar. Now we'll see if I remember to update it in a couple of weeks!

Oh, and I called my aunt to see if she was interested in going to a show this summer, and she is. (I kinda figured she would be, she likes to travel, in general!) So we are tentatively planning on going to Columbus in June, that being the best compromise of dates and distance, etc, that we could come up with so far. I looked at hotel prices but not plane fares, yet, I hope they're not too high.