Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Eagle River Morning - and resolutions

Eagle River Morning
Originally uploaded by Mellicious.

This is a test. I changed this blog over to "Blogger Beta" rather than regular Blogspot some time ago - it has something to do with Google buying Blogger, I think, because you sign in with your Google password - but anyway, it messed up Flickr's auto-blogging thing, which means I've been having to hand-paste in the photo links. While this is not exactly a huge burden, I think I have the Flickr blogging thing working again. We'll see.

I don't really make New Year's resolutions but I've made an exception for Quilts Galore only - I hereby resolve to post every day or two. I did pretty well in December, but I hadn't been posting a lot before that. I will try to do better in 2007!

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