Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Progress report

I still have a couple of sets of Noel blocks to spare, if anybody else is interested. (They don't necessarily come in the order shown in the picture, incidentally - how I cut them up it depends on where they fall on the fabric.)

I went to Mom's on Sunday, and I pretty much got the third quarter of the leaf quilt assembled. That seems to be the pattern, it takes a whole afternoon to get 1/4 of it together. Which makes sense, since there are 49 blocks in each quarter. A lot of itty bitty blocks. It's a wonder I don't hate the thing by now, but I don't. I think I'm going to have to put it aside for a couple of weeks, though - the gift quilt is on its way to me, Karen says. I am going to put some additional quilting on it and do the binding and then send it on its merry way.


Anonymous said...

It still hasn't gotten there? Maybe I should have sprung for the faster shipping. Here's hoping you have it for this weekend.

I am amused by the idea of making a "LONE" quilt or a "ONE L" quilt with the NOEL blocks you sent me. Whether I will stay amused long enough to follow through, I do not know. Too bad I don't know anyone named LEON.

Mel said...

It's possible it's sitting in the office at my apartments. I haven't gotten a notice, but that doesn't always mean it's not there! I need to remember to go by and ask.