Monday, June 20, 2005

Weblogs and weekends

I've been nosing around randomly this morning - Melody Johnson has a weblog. So does Gabrielle Swain! (I adore her leaf quilts. I think she's one of the reasons I got the bug to do a leaf quilt of my own.)

And more art-quilt-y blogs found by following links all around the web:
What's THAT gonna be?
Sonji Says...
Pamdora's Box (including pictures from Quilt National)

I didn't get a lot done this weekend - I had a headache Saturday and didn't end up sewing a single stitch. I did, however, start picking out and trimming fabrics for my theoretical Chinese Coins border. I did get a good bit done on that. I am mulling over how I want to do it - randomly, or maybe sort of a rainbow effect (a rainbow of fall colors, if you will)? I don't know. Random doesn't feel quite right to me. I was mulling over the possibility of putting a different color on each side - maybe red, gold, brown, and orange. I'm not sure how easy that will be to do, though. I have a lot more of some colors than others. The blocks that go in the corners are green, so I think that's enough green already, and I think bright yellow would be too distracting.

I found a note I had written to myself sometime in the last month that there is a pieced puffin pattern in Go Wild With Quilts-Again. It's not quite as cute as the appliqued puffins, of course, but it's cute, and I thought that most of us in the real world are not going to create their own appliqued puffin pattern and so might be interested in tackling the pieced ones!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatsamatta with random? I like random. :) A rainbow/gradation effect would be excellent, too. Each border a different color would mess with the symmetry established in the center, I think.