Sunday, June 26, 2005

Books and referrals

I applied for an Amazon Associates ID, even though the idea makes me a little uncomfortable. Somehow I doubt that this is ever going to bring in more than a tiny amount of money, anyway (if any at all - and as a matter of fact it would be Amazon gift certificates rather than cash, if that makes a difference) but it still sort of bothers me in some vague way. On the other hand, if I am going to recommend books anyway, it seems silly not to have one. I put up the link to Amazon; you can buy from them or not, naturally - in my mind the link is there as much for informational purposes as anything else, so that you can get more info about the book if you're of a mind to. I am an Amazon customer from way back, myself, because I like the convenience of it, but not everybody loves them as much as I do, I know!

Well, anyway, here's the link they provide to the book I want to talk about:

Blogging leads you into some interesting arenas; I got an e-mail from a publicist asking if she could send me a review copy, and I thought, sure, why not? The book sat around for a good while before I even really looked at it, and I'm still not finished, but I like it quite a lot. The funny thing is, though, that it doesn't have much to do with quilts so far. Obviously the quilts are going to come into it before the end, but the part that interests me the most is a first-hand account of this woman's experiences in the Dutch Resistance in World War II. So if that's something that interests you, then you might want to check it out. It's definitely not quilts, quilts, quilts all the way through, though.

What do y'all think about the whole referral business? Does it bother you if I put up the occasional link? (I suspect that I will use just a regular text link more often than the kind above; it seems a little more intrusive than I really like. I do like having the little picture of the cover, there, though.)

(Later: that link has gotten a little wonky on me once or twice, so here is the non-picture version of the link.)


Anonymous said...

Reviews are great! You aren't saying that we Have to buy the book, just that you liked (or didn't like) it. We appreciate the time you take to preview for us. And for those who can afford it, they know it's available at Amazon. For the rest of us, we'll request at the public library! LOL.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't bother me dude. and i'd rather hit on a link from one of my friends than from some random review.