Monday, July 30, 2007

Altstadt (Old City)

Altstadt (Old City), originally uploaded by Mellicious.

Made by Karen Eckmeier; from the exhibit "Tactile Architecture" at the 2006 Houston International Quilt Festival.

(Click on the picture to see the bigger version - you can't tell too much from this small one!)

I was fascinated with this quilt when I saw it last fall (so much that I took two detail pictures: here and here) and just now I stumbled on Karen Eckmeier's website and learned that she has a book out, Happy Villages, which appears to show how to make a quilt like this one. I can't wait to get a look at the book!

1 comment:

Michael5000 said...

That's pretty cool. I don't usually go for representational quilts, but this is geometric enough that it still appeals to me. Very evocative, too. It is like a town from a children's book (or from Invisible Cities, maybe).