Protozone pattern
Originally uploaded by Mellicious.
I love little flash applications you can play around with, and this is a good one - it's not really terribly flexible but you can do some fun things with it. (Try hitting the red button - which I guess is Autodraw - and then switching back & forth between "repeat," "reflect" and "rotate.") Good for inspiration purposes!
(My brain immediately breaks into the Flash Gordon theme when I look at that title. Hope everybody else doesn't have the same problem!)
I like the black and white pattern you posted with this blog. Makes me dizzy, but I like it.
Yeah, I was thinking it was really similar to this pattern that I came up with on EQ - but it's not actually the same at all. The effect is the same, though - the appearing/disappearing stars. (I think they combination of that and the stark black & white is what makes it so dizzying.)
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