Monday, August 14, 2006


Pictures from the European Patchwork Expo! (Lots of them!) (From Jerrianne.)

And that reminds me, the Mayfest Quilt Show gallery is online - here.

I added a link to the last entry, too, so it'd be with the picture - I found the patterns for that quilt online.

As far as the swap update - I concentrated on making subunits last weekend; I think I made enough for about 3 blocks. So that means if I can do that again next week, I will have enough to finish, and I'll just have to sew them together!

I've been buying fabric for the first time in a while - first I bought some Christmas fabric at Hobby lobby, then I bought retro Christmas fabric from Contemporary Cloth (which probably doesn't match the first fabric at all), then I bought skulls from Virginia Quilter (several different prints, actually). Everything I got is for specific projects, at least - I've stopped just buying stuff for my stash, I have quite enough in my stash as it is, thanks! - but I may have to make two Christmas quilts to reconcile the traditional fabric with the retro one. Oh well, you can never have enough Christmas quilts, right? (And at the moment I don't have any Christmas quilts, I gave the one I had away!)

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