Monday, September 12, 2005

Starting the zipper quilt

Fabric for the zipper quilt

Here's some of the fabric I'm planning on using in the zipper quilt. You can get an idea what I've got in mind, at least! I got about 50 of the big blocks cut out (out of a planned 72, I think) - and the little 1-1/2 by 2-1/2" rectangles to go with each one, which are a pain, let me tell you.

I also sewed a few blocks together to get an idea what it's going to look like - I haven't taken a picture of those yet but I will when I get a chance.


Anonymous said...

super bright and happy! that quilt is going to be so much fun!!

Mel said...

You know, I have been noticing that every time I see that picture it makes me happy. I just love those colors!