Thursday, November 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by Mellicious.

Quilt above made by Sherrie Spangler; shown in the exhibit "Celebrate Spring!" at the 2006 Houston International Quilt Festival.

I'm funny about what I like. I was talking about liking Hawaiian quilts the other day; I also love abstract quilts like this one. The thing I seem least interested in right now is traditional quilts, but I like some of those, too. I am nothing if not eclectic.

Just about all of my pictures from the judged show are up now - almost 200 of them. (I have got to quit taking so many pictures.) But I'm still working on the special exhibits. Lots more of those to come!


Anonymous said...

pshaw. There is no such thing as too many photographs. I for one appreciate your effort!

Mel said...

Thanks so much!!