Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Autumn Leaves II

Autumn leaves wallhanging

Taking a one-picture break from IQF quilts - this is my little autumn leaves wallhanging that I finally finished a month or so ago. (And here is one where you can see the back, which I really like.) I'm sorry you can't get a good look at the edges in these pictures, because I really think they came out nice, too. I am really pleased with myself about the whole thing, actually. I have said most of this before but to get it all in one place: it's 36 of the little 3" paper-pieced autumn leaf blocks (the pattern is on the small-expressions website and it's called "maple leaf" there, I think) and I did the same concentric sort of arrangement that I did on the bigger quilt that I made out of these blocks. Then I used a chinese-coin border that I started making for the big quilt and abandoned - I cut it in half lengthwise so that I had two identical 2-1/2" strips, and I used those for the border. Then I finished it by turning it, using Melody Johnson's technique from this month's Quilter's Newsletter. I have turned quilts before, but her technique of cutting the back open and then fusing it closed again makes it so much faster. (It only really works on quilts intended to be hung, though.)

We're always focused on IQF here in the Houston area, but the new Chicago Quilt Expo was also good, by all accounts. My friend Karen has two sets of pictures up, and dquilts also has some over on Webshots.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!!


Hedgehog said...

Your autumn leaves are beautiful!

Shelina said...

You did a great job on your autumn leaves quilt. Very nice.

Mel said...

Thanks y'all!