Sunday, February 20, 2005

Saturday report

Well, it's not quite Saturday any more, but close enough. Mom & I went shopping again so the quilting time was somewhat limited. But I finally got started on the blocks for the batik exchange. I can't show you a picture because I still have no working camera - I'm thinking that's going to have to be my birthday present because it's really bugging me - but it looks pretty good. I could put up the mockup I did on EQ but I never quite got the colors the way I wanted them. I might put it up anyway, just for the heck of it.

Mom is back to working on the angels. She's decided to finish the angels before she works on the Santas any more, because the angels are fairly close to being finished, anyway. She has gotten started with the applique again, which tells you that her rehab is coming along quite well. (She is halfway through with the radiation treatments now, so yay for that, too!)

Meanwhile, she was changing the quilt on the door while I was there, so when I get a chance I'll put up a picture of the new one. I'm pretty sure I already have that one somewhere around.

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