Monday, February 27, 2006

Ringing the Changes

Ringing the Changes
Originally uploaded by Mellicious.

Made by Gwenfai Rees Griffiths of Wales; from the exhibit "In the American Tradition IV" at the 2005 International Quilt Festival.

This woman makes some really beautiful quilts; if I have everything tagged properly (and I'm afraid that's a rather big if, although I'm fairly sure I got most of the 2005 ones done right, at least) you should be able to do a tag search on Flickr by her last name and find some more of them.

Anyway, I looked for a ring quilt today on purpose because I wanted to talk about my new Nibelung ring, and I can't resist the pun. No, that doesn't mean I'm singing opera - I was a voice major long ago, as it happens, but you really wouldn't want to hear me try nowadays! A Nibelung ring, in this context, is a nifty little thing my friend Columbine invented several years ago - sort of a predecessor to blogrolls and things like that - which you can use to make a personalized list of sites you like to check on regularly. And since I've been amassing a list of quilt weblogs, I started making up a ring for them. It's not really finished yet but I thought I would share anyway.

My Ring

(Yes, I put myself as the first site on my ring. I have to check and see if I have any new comments, after all!)

Oh. My criteria for this, incidentally, is that I had to be able to find something fairly recent on your site about quilts, without looking very hard. (So probably if it wasn't on the front page, I didn't find it.) It can have stuff about knitting or your cat or Harry Potter or whatever, as long as there's stuff about quilts, too. And if anybody has a site they want to suggest - your own or somebody else's - feel free to put it in the comments, and I'll sort through them later!

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