Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I would like to fuss at people for not putting one of those kewl "Follower" widgets on their Blogspot pages, because I've just been adding people like crazy and it does make it easier - except I don't have one either. I added it and then I took it off again, because I have exactly one follower and it looked silly. Of course it makes sense that I have no (well, few) followers since I am not really updating these days! Anyway, if you happen to have wandered over here, you might take a look at my profile and you can hopefully see the whole ton of people I'm following. I went through my delicious craft-blogger list and added everybody with a Blogspot blog who seemed to be blogging at all these days - and an amazing number of them are, considering some of them have been on that list for close to five years, I think. That's aeons in internet time!